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    <p align="justify"> <span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: verdana,geneva,sans-serif;">EIRI offers a huge range of publications and directories such as exporters &amp; importers directory, which are updated on a regular basis to provide latest business related information.<br /> <br /> We deal into agro cultivation, animal farming, ayurvedic medicines, bakery, confectionery &amp; breakfast, biofertilisers and vermiculture, biotechnology, building materials and chemicals, chemicals /dyes/petrochemicals/ lubrication, cosmetic (synthetic and herbal), dairy farming, ice cream and milk processing, essential oils/aromatic, export oriented industries &amp; procedures, fish farming &amp; fishery products, food &amp; agro processing, preservation, gum, adhesives &amp; sealants, herbs cultivation/medicines, industrial/trade directory, industrial trade directory in cd roms, leather and leather products, mineral and minerals, mushroom cultivation/process, oil and fats, perfumes and flavours, pharmaceuticals &amp; drugs, plastic/polymer processing, compounding , ppt pulp &amp; paper technology, printing, screen printing &amp; packaging technology, project reports in cd-rom, pvcl paint, varnish, coating and lacquers, real estate/ hotel/ hosiery/ textiles, small scale industries/stationery/ paper , soap, detergents and households, pices and cold storage, textiles textiles, garments, dyeing, textile auxiliaries and chemicals, tree farming building materials &amp; chemicals, rubber chemicals, compound and rubber industries..</span></span></p>