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    How To Start Bakery and Confectionery Industry

    The one thing that doesn’t seem to slow down at all, is the bakery industry of any country, especially India. Be it a small bakery unit, a mom and pop shop or a simple bakery cottage, the spread of this particular industry is far and wide. Most of the bakery empire lies in the unorganized side of things. Almost 2 million bakeries of India come under the unorganized sector, which accounts for almost 60 percent of the confectionery production.

    The goodness of baked goods is counted in the processed foods category. All your guilty pleasures such as the cakes, pastries, the yummy breakfast cereals, biscuits, and bread, all fall under this category.

    Apart from being filled with the rich flavors, bread and other bakery products also boast convenience. Especially among the Britons and full-time working folks, these items act as a quick and convenient meal choice. Instead of having to cook up a dish, you can simply mix some cereal and have a nutritious and tasty breakfast. Bread, for instance, can be extremely multipurpose. Be it sandwiches, toasts or a simple bite to be eaten with cheese or milk, bread can serve all your hunger pangs, without stomping on your already tight schedule.

    The per capita consumption of baked goods and the trends of food items in this area are going up by the minute. This is a clear indication of how fruitful this industry is, and any person wanting to set up a business in this field will have ample of untapped opportunities to explore Novelty, as known by everyone, is the best weapon in a budding businessman’s arsenal.

    Let’s take the example of India. As gradually, things are becoming more and more westernized, the need for packed goods is also increasing. People need food that can be consumed with the least amount of effort, in a short amount of time. Hence, the market potential is huge. A person wanting to earn big bucks in the baked goods industry can easily capitalize on the population’s need to have quick and convenient meal options.

    The hard boiled candies, various toffees and other sugar based products are a huge part of the Indian Confectionery market. Up until now, only 17 percent of the Indian households have been tapped. Products including chocolate, sugar goods and gum are the most popular items in almost all the Indian age groups. If an entrepreneur chooses to capitalize on these items, or instead chooses to diversify, either way, there is a lot of money making that can be done in this area. Hence, the potential for growth is huge. There are still many mouths in our country, which haven’t been fed with the sugary goodness of baked goods. The only thing to be taken care of, is that the packaging needs to be absolutely perfect, so the baked goods don’t lose their goodness before reaching the end consumer.

    The Indian confectionery industry is still in the growth stage and is constantly evolving. The potential is humongous. A sound business plan and the right strategies are sure to do the trick.

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    Showing 1 to 12 of 194 (17 Pages)