Manufacture of Disinfectants, Cleaners, Phenyl, Repellents, Deodorants, Dishwashing Detergents and Aerosols with Formulations (Hand Book)

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The book Manufacture of Disinfectants, Cleaners, Phenyl, Repellents, Deodorants, Dishwashing Detergents and Aerosols with Formulations covers Methodology of Disinfectants, Uses of Disinfectants, Manufacture of Pine Oil Disinfectants with Formulations, Technology and Formulae of Coal Tar Disinfectants, Phenyl (Black Fluid) and Household Phenyl, Perfumed Phenyl Manufacture, White Phenyl Process and Formulation, Black Phenyl Technology, Floor Cleaner Manufacture with Formulae, Toilet Cleaner (Harpic Type Liquid Toilet Cleaner), Naphthalene balls Manufacturing, Manufacturing Process and Preparations of Disinfectants, Formulations for Disinfectants, Process with Formulations of Various Cleaners, Repellents Manufacture with Formulae, Dish Washing Detergents with their Formulations, Deodorant and Aerosols Technology with Formulae, Manufacturing Technology of Disinfectants, Cleaners Manufacture, Floor Cleaner (Liquid Antistatic Type), Glass Cleaner (Colin Type), Plant Economics of Liquid Toilet Cleaner (Harpic Type), Plant Economics of Tile Cleaner
- Introduction
- Alcohols
- Phenols
- Bisphenois
- Various Methods of Analysis
- Separation and identification
- Quality Test
- Procedures
- Range of Melting
- Procedures
- Determination of Bisphenois
- Carbanilides and Salicylanilides
- Analysis
- procedure
- Halogens and halogen Donors
- Organic Mercurials
- Quatermary Ammonium Compounds
- General Affecting Factors
- Skin Disorders
- Formula for Quaternaries are used as a Skin Disinfectant
- Formula
- Quatermary Compound in food Processing Plant
- Uses in dairy plant
- Uses in Deodorants
- Formula for Deodorants Used in Hospitals and Related Departments
- Formula for Quatermary used for sterilizing tooth Brushes
- Germicidal Test
- Formulations Method
- Formula for Disinfectant Compound in General
- Formula
- Method of Uses
- Mercurials
- Inorganic Mercurials
- Organic Mercurials
- Analysis Methods
- Mercurial Determination
- Aidehydes
- Analysis Method
- Procedure
- Determination of Formaldehyde
- Procedure Conditions are fr Formaldehyde Determinations
- Epoxides
- Analysis Methods
- Procedure
- Epoxide Determination
- Procedure
- Preparation of Sample for Formaldehyde
- Conditions for the Determination of Formaldehyde
- Guanidine
- Analysis Method
- procedure
- Introduction
- Typical form of Disinfectants
- Germicidal Action of Disinfectant
- Effective of Disinfectants
- Preservation of Medical Instruments
- Suitable Disinfectant for Sterilization
- Disinfecting Cotton Fabrics
- Non-Toxic Disinfectant
- Requirements of Disinfectants
- Prevention of Diseases
- Disinfectants for Blankets
- General Purpose Disinfectants
- Standardization of Disinfectants
- Antiseptic Principle of Detol
- Introduction
- Formula for Pine Oil Disinfectant
- Formula for pine oil disinfectant
- Process
- Fortified Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Fortified Pine Oil Disinfectant
- Manufacturing Process
- Substituted Chlorophenois (Santophen)
- Formula
- Uses of Disinfectants
- Formula for Pine Oil Preparation Chemical based
- Formula
- Formula for Pine Oil With Sparkling Clarity
- Formula Sparkling clarity in white emulsion
- Manufacturing Process
- Formula for Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Variations of Other Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Pine Oil Disinfectant
- Formulae for Vegetable Oil Soap
- Disinfectants of Pine Oil for Exceptional Applications
- Formula for specific applications e.g. Sick rooms and hospitals
- Manufacturing Process
- Formula for specific applications e.g. Sick rooms and hospitals
- Formula for Removing of Odour From Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Removing of Odour From Pine Oil Disinfectants
- Formula for Strong Pine Oil Smelling
- Technology with Formulae
- Pine Oil as a Preservative
- Formula for Soluble Pine Oil Disinfectant
- Introduction
- Variety of Soaps
- Black Disinfectant Fluids
- Process of Manufacture
- Dilution Stability
- procedure
- Assay Method
- Types of Apparatus
- Broth Medium
- Agar Culture
- process of Manufacture
- Test dilutions
- procedure
- Phenol Co Efficient
- Disinfectat Stability
- Disinfectant Storage
- Disinfectant Labelling
- White Disinfectant Fluid
- Process of Manufacture
- Dilution Stability
- Procedure
- Stability of Disinfectant
- Disinfectant Storage
- Disinfectant Labelling
- Raw Materials of Coal Tar Disinfectants
- Temperature Range
- Distillation of Tar
- Importanceof Coal Tar Products
- Carbolic Oil
- Heavy Oil
- Carbolic Acid
- Phenol Alkali Compound Decomposable
- Phenol Co Efficient
- Halogenated Phenol
- 3,5 Dimethyl Phenol
- 3 Methyl 5 Ethyl Phenols
- Formulae for Black Fluid Manufacturing
- Formular for Coal Tar White fluid Manufacturing
- process of Manufacture
- Mixture of Three Isomers
- Cresol Isomers
- Dimethyl Phenols
- Process of Manufacture
- Manufacturing Process of Xylenols
- Properties of Naphthalene
- Uses of Creosote Oil
- Derivatives of Xylenols
- P.C.M.X. manufacturing formula
- Process of Manufacture
- Process and Formulation of P.C.M.X.
- Formula and Process of D.C.M.X.
- Manufacture of D.C.M.X.
- Raw Material Sources
- Types of Disinfectants
- Mixture of Tar Fluids
- Effective Against Different Organisms
- Phenolic Homologues
- Introduction
- Formula for xylenol fractions
- Cresol
- Germicidal Activity of Alkyl Phenols
- Phenols Halogenated
- alkyl Phenols Halogenated
- The Result of Phenol Coefficient
- 3 Methyl 5 Ethyl Phenols
- Chloroxylenol
- Formula PCMX from Chloroxylenol
- Phenols Polyhydric
- Acridine Compounds
- Effect of 8-Hydroxy Quinoline
- Essential Coal Tar Disinfectants
- Cheap Quality Phenyl
- Formula for Coal Tar Black Fluid Type
- Formulae for best Quality Phenyl
- Procedure of phenyl
- Disinfectol
- Formula for black fluid coal tar disinfectant
- Formula Cresolin Type
- Formulae for Black Fluids Conventional
- Lysol
- Formula for Lineseed Oil based Carbolic Acid Disinfectant
- Cresol Water Soluble
- Formulae for Water Soluble Disinfectant
- Cresol Solution Saponated
- Formula for Vegetable oil Based Disinfectant
- Household Disinfectants
- Formula for Household Disinfectant
- Low Cost Household Disinfectant
- Properties of Rug Shampoos
- Formula for Disinfectant as Shampoo Sanitizer Based
- Naphthalene
- Formula for Air Deodoriser based Disinfectant
- Naphthalene in Toilet
- Formula for Disinfectant for Toilet based on Naphthalene
- Introduction
- Uses and Applications
- In Hospitals
- In public places
- In the bath room
- In kennels
- In the Stable
- Formulae for Perfumed Phenyl
- Process of Manufacture
- Introduction
- Properties of white Phenyl
- Uses and Applications
- In the Toilet
- In Common places
- In the farm houses
- In the Breeding Place
- Raw Materials for Phenyl Production
- Formula for Phenyl Manufacture
- Process of White Phenyl Manufacture
- Formulae for White Phenyl
- Process of Manufacture
- Solid form of white Phenyl
- Formula for white Phenyl in Solid Form
- Phenyl with perfume
- Process of Manufacture
- Introduction
- Uses and Applications
- Formulae for Manufacture of Black Phenyl
- Process of Manufacture
- Various Method of Manufacturing
- Definition
- Fatty Acid Compensates
- Alkylolamtoes
- Fatty Amine Oxides
- Properties of Floor Cleaner
- Ratio of Dilution
- Effect
- Properties of Raw Materials
- Properties
- Hydroxy Acetic Acid
- Grades
- Uses and Application
- Formula of Floor Cleaners
- Formula for Liquid Detergent Concentrates for Floor Cleaners
- Manufacturing Process of Floor Cleaners
- Manufacture of Detergent Concentrate
- Introduction
- Uses and Applications
- Viscosity Agents
- Phthalocyanine Blue
- Market Survey
- B.I.S. Specification
- Formula for harpic type liquid toilet cleaner
- Manufacturing process
- Formula for harpic type liquid toilet cleaner (medium quality)
- Formula for liquid toilet cleaner (low quality)
- Introduction
- Properties of naphthalene
- Uses and applications
- Position of raw materials
- Camphor (C10H18O)
- Naphthalene (C10H8)
- Phenol (C8H5OH)
- Ceresin
- B.I.S. Specification
- Formulae for camphor tablet manufacturing
- Process of manufacture
- Introduction
- Germicidal agent
- Disinfectants in soluble form
- Formation of clear emulsion
- Emulsion in the concentrated form
- Modified emulsion
- Introduction
- Germicidal agent
- Disinfectants in soluble form
- Formation of clear emulsion
- Emulsion in the concentrated form
- Modified emulsion
- Introduction
- Formula for disinfectant
- Procedure
- Formula for white phenyl
- Procedure
- Formula for disinfecting fluid
- Procedure
- Formulafor deodorant for water closets
- Procedure
- Formula for Blue Sanitary Powder
- Procedure
- Formula for Pink Carbolized Sanitary Power
- Procedure
- Formula for general disinfectant
- Procedure
- Formula for atomizer liquid for sick room
- Procedure
- Formula for disinfecting coating
- Procedure
- Formula for lilac odour disinfectant
- Formula for soluble cresylic disinfectant
- formula for acid cleaner disinfectant (liquid)
- Formulae for sample of disinfectants
- Disinfectant for cresylic acid
- Formulae for cresylic acid disinfectant
- Formula for disinfectant emulsion
- formula for powder form of disinfectant
- Formula for blue sanitary in powder form
- Formula for pink carbolized sanitary in powder form
- Formula for household disinfectant
- Introduction
- Instructions About Dairy Equipment Cleaners
- Formula for Dairy Equipment Cleaner (Non-Foaming Alkaline Detergent Cleaner)
- Formula for High Foaming Alkaline cleaner
- Formula for Neutral Dairy Cleaner
- Formulae for Bottle Cleaner
- Uses of Equipment cleaner
- Formulae for Rug Cleaner
- Process of Rug Cleaner
- Formula for Floor Cleaner (Building Surface)
- Formula for wall cleaner
- Formula for Floor Cleaner (Light Duty Powder)
- Formulae for Plasticware/chinaware and other Dish washing compounds (Vim Type
- cleaning powder)
- Formula for Stoneware Glaze Cleaner
- Process of Stoneware Glaze Cleaner
- Formulae for Paint Brush Cleaner
- Process of Paint Brush Cleaner
- Formula for Auto Polish Cleaner
- Floor Cleaners
- Formula for Common Watt Cleaner
- Formula for Light Duty Cleaner (Powder)
- Formula for Heavy Duty Cleaner
- Formula for Cleaner for Building Surface
- Sanitary Cleaner
- Formula for Sanitary Cleaner
- Metal Cleaner
- Formulae for Aluminium Cleaner (Metal Cleaner)
- Formula for Steel Cleaner
- Formula for Cleaner for Iron Applied Prior to Galvanizing
- Formulations
- Formulation: Liquid Poison (Non-toxic to domestic animals)
- Mosquitoes Control
- The Control of Mosquitoes
- Formulation Mosquito Larval Killer
- Formulation “Nash’s” mosquito repellent
- Formulation Mosquito coil
- Control over House Flies
- Life Cycle
- Control of House Flies in the Home
- Poisoned Fly Cords
- Fly Baits
- Formulation Fly catching mixture
- Formulation Odourless fly spray
- Formulation Scented fly spray
- Control of Ants
- Formulation Argentine Ant Poison
- Method of Use
- Formulation Ants, Carpenter, Destroying
- Formulation Ants, preventing the entry
- Formulation Ant Poison
- Livestock and Barn Sprays
- Pyrethrum Sprays
- Methoxichlor on Livestock
- Thanite Sprays
- Chlordane
- Lindane and Toxaphene
- Control Recommendations
- Ticks
- Lice
- Requirements of Dish Washing Detergents
- Powders for Manual Dish Washing
- Navy Specification
- Dish washing detergent
- Machine Dish Washing Compounds
- General Purpose Cleaners
- More Specialized Cleansing Compounds
- Metal Cleansers
- Aluminium Cleaner
- Formulations
- Laundry Compounds
- Deodorants
- Formulae and Procedure
- Roll ons
- Water based roll ns (oil in water)
- Alcohol based and hydro alcoholic roll ons
- Suspension roll ons
- Clear water in oil roll ons
- Formulae and Procedure
- Concentrated aerosol
- Clear gels
- Fragrance
- Stating by Antiperspirants
- Deodorants
- Deodorant properties of ACH and AZCH
- Introduction
- Germicidal agent
- Disinfectants in soluble form
- Formation of clear emulsion
- Emulsion in the concentrated form
- Modified emulsion
- General Purpose Cleaners
- Bathroom Cleaners
- General formulations for acid hard surface bathroom cleaners
- General formulations for bathtub cleaners
- Types of bathroom cleaners and typical ingredients
- Disinfectants
- Scouring Cleansers
- General formulations for scouring cleaners
- Glass Cleaners
- Typical formula for glass cleaner
- Carpet/Upholstery Cleaners
- Spot/Stain Removers
- Manual Toilet Bowl Cleaners
- Automatic Toilet Bowl cleaners
- General formulations for solid toilet tank cleaners
- Packaging
- General issues
- Specific Findings
- Aerosol Cans
- High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
- Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
- Polypropylene
- Cardboard/Pasteboard
- Introduction
- Formulatons of Floor & Bath Room Cleaners
- Floor & Bathroom Cleaner Formulation
- Process of manufacturing of floor cleaner
- Plant Economics of floor cleaner (liquid antistatic type)
- Plant & Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Introduction
- Manufacturing process
- Wind Screen Cleaner (Formulation 1)
- Process
- Wind Screen Cleaner (Formulation2)
- Plant economics of glass cleaner (colin type)
- Plant & Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Introduction
- Formulation of Liquid Toilet Cleaner (Harpic Type)
- Formulation
- Process of Manufacture of Liquid Toilet Cleaner (Harpic Type)
- Plant & Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
- Introduction
- Formulations of the Cleaner
- Manufacturing Process compounding procedure of Tile Cleaner
- Plant Economics of Tile Cleaner
- Plant & Machinery
- Fixed Capital
- Raw Materials
- Total Working Capital/Month
- Total Capital Investment
- Turn Over/Annum
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Each report include Plant Capacity, requirement of Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Flow Sheet Diagram, Raw Materials detail with suppliers list, Total Capital Investment along with detailed calculation on Rate of Return, Break-Even Analysis and Profitability Analysis. The report also provides a birds eye view of the global industry with details on projected market size and then progresses to evaluate the industry in detail.
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